“At Gold Mountain Mining, we are committed to taking a sustainable approach towards exploring, developing and operating the Elk Gold Project in an ethical, transparent and responsible manner. Ensuring we are good neighbours and inclusive members of the community are critical to our long-term success as a company”
“We are proud of the strides Gold Mountain has taken to significantly minimize our environmental footprint and collaborate with surrounding Indigenous Communities to understand how best to responsibly operate the mine. The company will continue to invest in the strength of our local workforce and strive to optimize our ESG strategy to reduce risks across all operations while creating a progressive culture and corporate DNA.”
- CEO and Director, Bruce Sifton
Low Impact
With no on-site mill, Gold Mountain
requires no processing plant or tailings storage facility.
Environmental Testing
Gold Mountain goes beyond its permit requirements to ensure it’s water
discharge is clean and safe to its
surrounding watershed. Through
its work with Indigenous owned environmental protection consultants
A.E.W, over 120 water quality tests were performed in 2021.
Greenhouse Emissions
Gold Mountain emits 0.17² tonnes of
Carbon per oz Au produced, nearly
6 times less than the 2019¹ average
open-pit mine. With no on-site mill, the Company reduces its carbon emissions
by 11,500 tonnes of CO2 per year³.
Power Savings
By deferring an on-site mill, Gold
Mountain saves over 10.2 Mwh/annum
Water Savings
The Elk Gold Project saves 14,600,000 L of water/annum4 that would otherwise be consumed by a processing mill
Gold Mountain strives to take an
inclusive approach with the project’s
surrounding Indigenous Communities
& Governments through permitting,
design and operations, including the establishment of the Life of Mine Committee.
Local Economy
Gold Mountain sources over 70% of
consumables and machinery through
local contractors, vendors and manufacturers.
Life of Mine Committee
Gold Mountain has established a
Life-of-Mine Committee that provides
a forum for direct engagement with numerous Indigenous Communities
relating to the development of the
Elk Gold Project. The committee
mandate ensures ongoing dialogue and engagement with Indigenous Groups.
Gold Mountain’s majority-owned Indigenous mining contractor
Nhwelmen Construction employs over 30 people at our site. In total, the Elk Gold Project produces over 50 jobs in rural British Columbia.
We value and support all those
working with our company whether
in the field or office and provide equal opportunity at all levels of the
organization without bias.
Gold Mountain established a fully independent audit committee and
adheres to disclosure requirements applicable to all TSX listed companies.
Documented policies surrounding
health and safety, diversity,
whistleblowing, board mandates
and sustainability.
Gold Mountain, along with its
contractors, have taken actions to
minimize the risks of Covid-19, both to employees and people interacting with
the Company’s program and activities.
We prioritize the well-being of our
workers and ensure there are processes, oversight and strong safety protocol established at the COR® certified
Elk Gold Project.
Sustainability Strategies and Goals
Our Sustainability Strategy focuses on three instrumental areas:
As members of a responsible mining community, Gold Mountain is committed to operating sustainably by minimizing its impact on the environment and restoring the Elk Gold Project to conditions that are better than they were when we began operations.
Life of Mine Goal
Sustainable operations that minimize the impact on the environment and regional wildlife.
Focus Area Goals
- Reforestation – Developing partnerships with regional communities to plant more than double the amount of trees the project will clear during its Life of Mine.
- End-of-Mine Study – Develop studies with a goal of returning land to cultural and ecological function equivalent to pre-disturbance.
- Study and Examine – Identify mitigation or protective measures including potential habitat offsets relevant to the local ecology.
Since acquiring the project in 2019, Gold Mountain has taken an inclusive and responsive approach with its neighbouring communities to better understand how best to design, construct and operate the Elk Gold Project.
Life of Mine Goal
The Elk Gold Project strives to create a net benefit to local communities, businesses, and economies.
Focus Area Goals
- Life of Mine Committee – Establish a Life of Mine Committee providing a forum for Indigenous engagement during the entire life of the Elk Gold Project.
- Local Economy – Procure and source 70% of consumables and services from local vendors, contractors and manufacturers.
- Net Benefit – Partner with Indigenous ventures focussing on education, environmental and cultural enhancement.
Gold Mountain works collaboratively with local Indigenous Governments to create positive net-benefits for affected communities.
Life of Mine Goal
To create positive net-benefits for communities through educational support, business development and opportunities to participate in the project.
Focus Area Goals
- Reconciliation – Respect the local Indigenous Communities by incorporating their culture and traditions into Gold Mountain’s company culture.
- Positive Impact – Deliver positive social, economic and environmental outcomes for Indigenous Communities based on community-defined aspirations.
- Economic Initiative – Procure and source 50% of consumables and services through Indigenous contractors and partners.
Corporate Governance
Gold Mountain is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance practices and ethical conduct.
Articles of Incorporation – GMTN
Compensation Committee Charter
Disclosure, Confidentiality and Securities Trading Policy
Health and Safety Committee – Terms of reference and Mandate
³ Compared to 1.5 MW mill contemplated in 2020 PEA = 30,000 kwh/day * 0.4L Diesel/kwh = 11,500 tonnes CO2/year